Consulting Case 101 Pdf Files

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Hi there, I am new to WSO but have been looking over consultingcase101 and have realized that the questions are not much with the answers. I will need to work on these cases by tomorrow (interview is on Friday and I am fully unprepared) so if we can figure something out real soon I would be down. It would be much easier for me if you emailed me directly at epressberg [at] gmail and I should be able to get back to you real quick or you can PM me here if you feel more comfortable with that.

Hopefully hear from you soon. • • • • • Hi everyone. Edition Introduction Sixth Sociology Research.

Absentee Ballot. Jacobs, Accident Reports. Bloomberg, Canty v. NYS Department of Correctional Services, McAulay (2), McElligott, Scott, Sonne, Age. Customized for: Jessica ( CASE INTERVIEW. VAULT GUIDE TO THE. 2008 EDITION is made possible through the generous support of the following sponsors. Visit the Vault Consulting Career Channel at — with. Case interviews vary somewhat in their format.

I go to a top feeder elementary school and hoping to get into MM or hopefully MF PE down the line. I'm trying to transfer to a target middle school soon so I can work my way into an elite prep HS ->HYP ->BB ->MM/MF ->HBS ->Coreldraw Essentials X5 Free Download Full Version For Windows Xp. MF. I just got a piggy bank but. • Haven't seen this post in a while, and I'm interested in hearing everyones stories. Below I've included my own story, which happened at a large boutique firm on the east coast.

Consulting Case 101 Pdf Files

It's lengthy but hopefully a worthwhile read. To begin, I'm in the office it's. • In honor of GoT S7 premiering next month, I'd like to pose a simple question to the WSO community. If the investment banks were the Houses of Westeros, which would they be?

My Opinion: Goldman Sachs/House Lannister - the 'old money' in Westeros and currently crushing the. • Curious about the dumbest things you've ever said in an interview that make for a funny story. I had a coffee meet with associate/vp today (family friend). I have f'd up couliflower ears from wrestling/mma. The associate was a wrestler and commented something along the lines of. • We all know banking isn't easy, and I am usually all about encouraging young people to work hard in finance since the long-term benefits to your career can be incredible. But it's good to be realistic about the job - many of us tend to act like heroic titans of finance who love the.

• Hello my fellow Monkeys, Although I've been stalking this forum for a year and a half, I didn't have the courage to officially join until recently. I'm currently in my second internship with JPM and have some down time after working on a lengthy project. I thought that I would. • it's expensive as hell out here, like seriously, even fast food is at least a dollar more here than on the other side of the bay, and you have to pay a lot for a shitty place to live, parking sucks because you have to pay for it a lot of places, then there's a whole bunch of uptight. • Hello guys, I'm an Economics graduate from the University of Iceland. I thought I'd share with you some information that I believe has never been made public before, at least not in English.

It's a story about some brilliant investments that made a select few hedge funds A LOT. • Viewer discretion advised. This is mostly a rant and I apologize in advance. But hey, sometimes WSO gets a little dry so we gotta spice this up a bit.

Love y'all btw. Recruiters can lick every inch of my ball$ack. Dude hit me up, informs me about another opp, I ask a. • First, shout out to @phantombanker' for his original work 'How I got a 770 on the GMAT with minimal effort while working banking hours' which I attempted to pay homage to with the post title. ### Introduction **Re: This Post** This post applies mostly to the Quant. • If I go for an MBA, my best route is to get into med/pharma sales for some years and then go for that.

But I don't know if I will always want to stay in that industry. I would still like to manage. • Hi all, I get that there is an inverse relationship between bond prices and interest rates. However, the FINRA exam I just took would not such an easy question in such a straight forward format. • What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2018? Mine is to read more, whether that's for education or for personal enjoyment. Happy New Year to everyone and rock this new year.

• Hello all, I'm currently a junior at a semi-target/target. This summer I'm going to be doing Private Banking at a top BB and I'm currently interning at a boutique IB near my school. • Star Wars2017 The Last JediStar Wars2017 The Last JediStar Wars2017 The Last JediStar Wars2017 The Last JediStar Wars2017 The Last JediStar Wars2017 The Last JediStar Wars2017 The Last Jedi • I'm in the middle of my job search for next summer once I graduate college. I'm at at a non-target with a high GPA studying Finance.

Have two internships, my most recent one being an investment. • Anyone who previously worked at Big 5 banks in Canada know if there's charter services/car services, food delivery at night, gym membership etc? Thanks • What is the compensation by level in private equity?

As detailed as possible and include (if can) the time one must stay at each levels • So I've lurked the site since I was in college (3 years out now). In college, I was very interested in investment banking but going to a christian school in Tulsa, OK didn't exactly set me up to go. • I usually make one big shake per day to sustain my energy and nutrition.

What do you like to make? • I've been working in transfer pricing at KPMG for a year and have recently been offered a grad role at St George (a business bank in Australia which focuses on small to medium businesses). • Happy 2018. Going to start it off a bit heavy here. I think in the last ~5 years things have been getting worse for your typical fund analyst/PM, and I think the trend is only accelerating.

• RBC Capital Markets made it in top 9 IB revenue in 2017, above UBS and below the rest of the BBs. Can any of you experienced professionals tell whether RBC is now considered a BB in the financial. • I am a junior at a non-target. I have a few phone calls set up with MM PE firms as well as one in-person meeting that I got through a connection. What can I be expecting from these conversations? • Hello All, I was wondering if it was possible to get a summer internship at a big consulting firm before junior year in the US or even abroad eg London/Dubai etc.

Same here, I also found the resources provided by their website very helpful, not just for McKinsey PST, but also for consulting case interviews in general. They have created a highly-structured cross-referenced database of case questions and answers. I can see their way of categorizing case types is probably influenced by Cosentino, author of case in point, and they further expand Cosentino's 12 case types into 18 or 19, although there are certainly some overlap between the 18 different case types: add capacity & growth business competition business turnaround estimate/guesstimate finance & economics improve profitability increase sale/revenue industry analysis market entry market sizing math problem merger & acquisition new business new product operations strategy organizational behavior PE & investment pricing & valuation reduce cost.

Hi all, I'm currently a US sector Healthcare Analyst with McKinsey, and have worked out of the New Delhi India office for 2 years before moving here to our new Costa Rican center as we're building new teams here. The procedure, test, and number of rounds differ considerably based on the position you are applying for. I can share my interview experience with you: 1) They called 15 of us in for the joint Problem Solving Test at 8am, we all wrote in one room. 2) Based on the result, 5 out of the group were asked to leave right after the test.

3) The rest of us went on to individual cases. Note, I don't have a traditional consulting background, so this was a big challenge for me. I managed to get ahold of some older Harvard Business Case Study manuals from a friend (who himself was an Engagement Manager with KPMG, from a top Indian B-school). These basically gave general overview tips on cases, how to build assumptions etc. I interviewed with Booz prior to this and BOMBED that interview, it was positively awful, they grilled me to death and I was not mentally prepared for it. I can share some of the cases thrown at me by McK, note, these will vary GREATLY based on the role you apply for, but they all test your ability to analyze, develop a concise thought process, and provide reasonable assumptions for your calculations.

1) Easier one: What kind of fast food do you like? Ok, estimate the average daily sales for the KFC outlet down the road. 2) Tougher one: Estimate the average annual health insurance premiums generated for all commercial health insurance companies in India, for 2010 (this was tough and i dont think the interviewer, who subsequently became my boss, like my answer). A friend of mine who applied for the full blown consultant (Associate) position in San Francisco was asked to estimate the probability of him meeting a celebrity at an airport on a Saturday etc. He was a Haas grad. A few points to keep in mind: - Domain knowledge is not necessary, you can answer the above without knowing jack-all about the industry.

- In between, if you get a particularly tough interviewer, they will cut you off in mid calculation and say 'ok you just entered the elevator with the CEO, give me your pitch in 2 minutes flat'. That tactic is more applied to Associate and above roles. Most of my colleagues did not have this happen to them for the Analyst position, but my interviewer did throw this at me, he told me I had 20 minutes to solve the tough case with full listed assumption, but came back in about 7 minutes and asked for the summary.

If you feel its useful, I can share overview steps on how I anwered my case interview questions, though would like to inform you that they are definitely not the best way to do it, and there are always multiple approaches. They are basically testing how you think on your feet and what assumptions you come up with. Feel free to throw questions at me. I can also share the questions the Booz consultant threw at me for the Associate, I was TOTALLY unprepared for that but can at least share the question types. Cheers _________________ How to improve your RC score, pls Kudo if helpful!

Work experience (as of June 2012) 2.5 yrs (Currently employed) - Mckinsey & Co. (US Healthcare Analyst) 2 yrs - Advertising industry (client servicing). ASSUMPTION TECHNIQUE Some of you messaged me about this separately, after my 2nd round, I thought I had bombed the case and it was over. The interviewer (my subsequent boss) told me to erase what I was doing on the board mid-way and just sit down (After I got hired I found out he was a notoriously brutal interviewer and was testing my stress response). I asked him if he could give me one tip on what I could have done differently before I left, here's what he said: 'When stuck on a problem solving phase of your answer, particularly when you don't have enough knowledge or data to get to the next step, base your assumption on your own observations.'

Sounds like common sense I guess, and for the rest of you seasoned interviewers these are probably redundant tips, but it helped me clear the next 2 rounds really well. Also, I tend to disagree with the extent to which you should do that, but then again the interviewer is now almost a Partner with Bain so go figure!

Cheers _________________ How to improve your RC score, pls Kudo if helpful! Work experience (as of June 2012) 2.5 yrs (Currently employed) - Mckinsey & Co. (US Healthcare Analyst) 2 yrs - Advertising industry (client servicing). You can try on My Consulting Coach, they have a free test and in general they are quite good value for money. I tried them for the interview service and they were absolutely great. Their whole value proposition is about learning to think like a consultant vs. Learning frameworks.

And in my experience, that's exactly what consulting companies are looking for. They taught me to structure problems on my own (no frameworks) in a simple, clear and analytical way, like a real consultant (your interviewer) would do.

So, take a look. And do a case interview with them, you won't regret it.